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    Monday, October 19, 2009

    Calling All Purchase-Pricing Whining Winos


    I have to confess. I am a serial e-news subscriber, and I'm not just talking left-wing/socialist political activism; there's also fashion, and more fashion, and more fashion, the bright side project, healthcare and patient advocacy, neuro and spinal chord injury news, human rights activism, IVIg news...

    and Daily Candy - best described in their carefully copywritten words - "a handpicked selection of all that's fun, fashionable, food related, and culturally stimulating in the city you’re fixated on (and all over the Web)."

    This sweet, daily (multi-daily depending on how many versions you subscribe to) e-newsletter often provides yet more proof why I should be and stay in Philadelphia - despite the fact that I'm alone (not a loner) with my neuro fisticuffed fracas and the rock, rolled, and ruffled ruckus of my internal knock-down-drag-out, organ head-bumping, quibbling spine, nervousy[sic!] nervous system.

    With the 1/2 exception of Seattle (I did have a 4-hour layover there and took a cab to the nearest place - a mall (whoopee)), I can testify of the existence of all the Daily Candy cities listed below, having lived in two of them, been an artist-in-residence in one of them, got allergy shots twice a year for 8 hours a day in another (hint - CSI: [FILL IN THE BLANK]).

    Pictured Above: hottie Adam Rodriguez AKA Eric Delko

    [Disclaimer: The following paragraph contains verbosely gigunda sentences. Read and breathe at your own risk.]
    Of course, if I could take my mainly east coast family with me, as well as my Philadelphia docs, neuro soul support mates, Tria's Three Cheese Panino, and somehow make my disability income stretch like Hubba Bubba Bubble Gum or that nostalgic 90's favorite, Bubble Tape, into a month-long, all bills covered, carpets vacuumed, all-inclusive (ehhh ummm....poolside drinks with umbrellas) fest...(big breath), I'd return to my former London digs or settle in San Fran...

    ...Or, if I became a famous AND bequeathed, "enriched," and/or lavishly subsidized multi-talented visual artist and/or author and/or auteur, or simply a damn good creator of all things damn good, I'd take up residence in the lushly organic, gorgeous, mountainous Marin County (pictured left with pre-TM-me and friend standing at the top of a mountain that overlooks just about anything Marin) where incidentally my fashionista designer friend, Mary Margaret Stewart (pictured right on the right), owner of Iman B lives in bliss. Being close to her and her fabulous clothing line (of which I proudly own quite a few shirts and dresses) is reason enough to switch sides.

    Westward ho!
    (Or, perhaps that could mean that I'm a Westward ho)

    But location, location, location is important for all things non-virtual, and here is the virtual climax, the last swig, the forward finish, the big nose at the end of the lengthy Phylloxera...

    CHECK THIS OUT...(and gift it to....me?)

    The Accidental Wine Company.

    Need I say more?

    No. Because Daily Candy already has:

    "Every once in a while a mistake can lead to something awesome and brilliant (potato chips, LSD, penicillin).Add to the list The Accidental Wine Company."