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    Saturday, April 9, 2011

    Abe Books E-mail Database Hacked

    It figures that a remaining sense of dignity we have in this country - books, and good books, and people who read, and people who read good books by great authors on great topics published by well-sighted publishers, then sold by good (or greedy) booksellers, and on and on - would be the victims of potential identity theft, or at minimum an invasion into their privacy.

    Image from Blog Patrol
    Read about this (story that's available and linked to this wonderful, not so new, blog I just discovered,  dedicated to books and book-related news that I just discovered and was instantly hooked like [way too many "things that are hooked" entries in the blogosphere..., so here's my own go at defying the cliche] indoor hanging plants, winter coats on rainy days, and a single person in chronic pain to their pain meds, couch, and TV.

    If you haven't yet, subscribe to this and all of my blogs (see right column) and then subscribe to Book Patrol: A Haven for Book Culture too, written a man with a long name and a long list of achievements that make him the dopest blogger on, well the obvious..., the blog's title.

    Sunday, April 3, 2011

    Sunday Quote, from a Sunday Poem

    An April Sunday brings the snow
    Making the blossom on the plum trees green,
    Not white. An hour or two, and it will go.
    -Philip Larkin

    And here's another poem by Larkin, perhaps his most famously popular poem, written in a completely different tone, almost planetarily so (which perhaps explains the plethora Web pages of analysis dedicated to this poem), that befits my state of mind...


    They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
      They may not mean to, but they do.
    They fill you with the faults they had
       And add some extra, just for you. 

    This is an image of the 1st Edition Printing
    But they were fucked up in their turn
       By fools in old-style hats and coats,
    Who half the time were soppy-stern
       And half at one another's throats. 

    Man hands on misery to man.
       It deepens like a coastal shelf.
    Get out as early as you can,
       And don't have any kids yourself 

    THIS BE THE VERSE was first published in the August 1971
    issue of New Humanist, and appeared in the 1974 collection
    High Windows, as pictured at right. 

    You can help save books, poetry, and maybe me - though it's a long shot - 
    all at the same time by purchasing your own brand new copy... 

    or maybe find yourself a first edition at...


    An_April_Sunday_brings_the_snow_Making_the. Dictionary.com. Columbia World of Quotations. Columbia University Press, 1996. http://quotes.dictionary.com/An_April_Sunday_brings_the_snow_Making_the (accessed: April 03, 2011).