A Virtual Convergence for Projects, Partners, Publications, Thoughts, News

& a little bit of self-indulgence

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    Thursday, May 20, 2010

    Coming up Next...Trenton Ave Arts Fest (Philly)

    I'm sure you all have missed me soooooo much. After all, as one long-distance friend asked via text, "Why are you harder to get a hold of than the pope?"

    The answer, my friends, is that I am - as most of you know by now - a full-time neuro-ite x 3.5, which is the equivalent of 3.5 full-time jobs without any staff (other than my Pittsburgh-based mom, yay mom!).

    My latest escapade involved a 10-day treatment schedule of IV Ketamine, that made quite a dent into my horrific RSD flare-up, but didn't punch the bugger out of my body completely and kept me clinic- and couch-bound for 2 weeks and counting.

    So, altho you may not see me on the streets much anymore, or even in my apt bldg hallway, I'm steppin' out this Saturday to return to the Trenton Avenue Arts Festival with new (and some old) works, including (drum rolllllllllll) a flower and a my-own-blood paintings series, and this year, I'll have affordable drawings and collages too.

    While I have been lucky (in my new-found visual art "career") to have gained popularity and collectors, I'm still a socialist artist at heart, and my prices still reflect that...starting at $10 and up to $300.

    Wow! Now, that's a bargain and a 1/2!!!

    So bring some cash, or a lot, and spend it on a good cause - me. When you buy one of my paintings, etc., you're not only getting a beautiful, heartfelt, emering-artist, soon-to-be-worth so much more collectible, you're also helping to support a full-time sicko on disability and insurance that covers only 1/2 of my medical expenses (did I hear someone say, corruption?) which are becoming greater and greater than SSDI can give.

    You'll be ensuring that I stay insured until medicare kicks in next year - and until then, as long as COBRA extends itself to that date, I'm looking at at least $700/mo for insurance that doesn't even cover much of my care.

    Thanks, and see you Saturday!

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